Driver Genius 24
Driver Genius, a driver expert with 20 years experience.
Update drivers for Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/Vista
60 Day Money Back Guarantee
Driver Genius
Free Edition
Update outdated drivers
√ | √ | √ (5 days) |
Automatically driver update
√ | √ | |
Faster driver download speed
√ | √ | |
Backup your drivers to
ZIP,Self-Extracting archive
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Backup your drivers to an EXE
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Restore your drivers with one
√ | √ | |
Offline driver update
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Cleanup outdated drivers
√ | √ | √ |
Cleanup invalid device data
√ | √ | √ |
Detect hardware information
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Hardware temperature monitoring
√ | √ | √ |
System Transfer Assistant:
Helps you to Upgrade/degrade Windows system easily
√ | √ | |
SSD Speeder: Improve
performance and extend life for solid-state drive
√ | ||
System Booster: Optimizes
system settings to make your PC run faster and more smoothly
√ | ||
System Cleanup: Remove junk
files and unused Windows built-in Apps to free up disk space
√ | ||
Auto update to the latest
√ | √ | |
Priority customer support
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